Leverage out-of-the-box data privacy content and cutting edge GRC technology

Compliance with global privacy-related regulations such as the EU and UK GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) as well as CCPA (California Consumer Protection Act) is more than just an organizational requirement. When done right, compliance builds transparency and trust between companies and their customers.

Implementing best practices for these regulations is key to a company’s success, expansion of good brand reputation, and avoidance of heavy fines. Leveraging out-of-the-box data privacy content and cutting edge GRC technology equips organizations with the ability to ensure compliance across their enterprise.

Mitratech’s GRC platform provides CCPA and GDPR dedicated privacy controls that make compliance and risk management transparent, providing a best practice approach for organizations aligning with these laws.

Check out our latest Two-Pager for a detailed look into all six steps.

A Glance At The GRC Platform of the Future

Learn how you can leverage a single SaaS platform for your entire GRC requirements.